Welcome to Hokkiado Japan

I've put off going to Japan but then I pulled it off. I've traveled for good and poor skiing my adolescent and adult life. Japan was on the bottom half of my ski travel list, honestly. I thought it would be Tokyo traffic and hard snow, like those couple of Olympics. Trustworthy friends have traveled to Hokkiado for powder skiing and told me stories and showed me worthy pictures. When my buddy, Vermont Johnny, called last summer with an invitation, I put him off but didn't turn him down. Turns out a Japan ski trip is about a needed respite and spiritual renewal of Zen cold powder face shots, soaking in the peaceful, but gender segregated, onsens hot springs, challenged by delicious food and drinking ice cold Sapporro Classic tall boys.

John in the bushes

The vertical climbing isn’t long and the snow is light enough that it doesn’t concern a skiers thoughts much. But it is kind of weird to skin up what amounts to a steep orchard. But it’s worth it…the drops back to a creek are delicious. Like a mouthful of nigari sushi that you just shoot the morsel onto your tongue, like the guy behind the bar suggests.

Can’t read that sign, but was a good joint

Don’t know this guy

I think an open mind and wide skis will help any Japanese skiing experience.

All good slope etiquette

I don’t know


Big baby doesn’t like the uphill blisters or nail polish in them.

Our hardy crew at the end of another satisfying day of touring.